
Behold, The Power of IP Marketing In Finance

In an industry as competitive as banking, financial marketers can use IP Targeting to cut through a sea of generalized digital ads and directly reach valuable prospects with high conversion potential. This precise targeting method can also reduce waste, as it is all too common for ad impressions to get spent on people who may not have any interest. Efficient advertising is particularly useful for local banks and credit unions with more modest budgets, who want to make the most of marketing dollars and increase their ROI. 

Internet Protocol (IP) Targeting is a sophisticated advertising technology that delivers tailored digital advertisements, such as display and video ads, to specific IP addresses (numerical label assigned to any device connected to a computer network). IP Targeting combines special algorithms and public data elements to connect a physical address with the IP address on a device. The process begins by using an existing database of customers and their verified home addresses to find the IP address accurately. This tool is especially useful for Credit Unions that are Select Employee Groups (SEGs) as it allows for precise targeting and less ad spend waste. Another bonus to IP Targeting relates to cookies. Most online marketing tools rely on cookies to drive their advertising, which are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by their web browser. Much of cookie data often comes from web robots completing automated tasks online, which can render ad impressions and user data completely useless. IP Targeting is unique in that it is cookie-less, which ensures that all ad engagement is from real humans. 

Connect with Target MarketsIP Targeting plays a significant role in reaching target markets. While IP addresses can be accessed based on individual households, banks and credit unions can also send their advertisements to business IP addresses, engaging both B2B and B2C marketing. Similar to houses, businesses also share an IP address with all of the computers in their network. The ability to target both homes and companies is particularly useful as these institutions tend to offer both personal and business banking services, such as specialized personal accounts or business lending services. In addition to individual customers, marketers can deliver tailored digital ads to companies that may benefit from their variety of offerings. 

Capture Consumers with Venue ReplayVenue Replay is a form of targeting that maps specific highly relevant locations or “venues” to identify unique device ID’s of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, sending targeted advertising to these devices. For instance, a credit union promoting a campaign about affordable auto loan rates may consider a local car dealership a “high-value” location, as the people visiting these establishments have shown implied interest in purchasing a vehicle. In the same vein, real estate offices may be a prime location to deliver home mortgage ads for people in the market for a new home.

One Point Of Data Allows For Access To Two Others

Another way to utilize the power of venue replay is by delivering ads to devices at competitor locations. Highly populated areas of the country often have local or national banks on every corner, so often, competition is all around. Consider that a consumer enters a credit union down the street to inquire about opening a new credit card account, and then receives an ad on their device from a direct competitor about their credit card offerings. Venue Replay is time-efficient and targeted, introducing the consumer to an alternative option that may better match their needs.  As an added feature, ads can even be delivered after leaving the targeted venue and can be traced back to the person’s home, providing advertisements not only to their mobile device but also through a home router and any computers connected to their network and physical address.

Get Real Results from Real ProspectsIP Targeting helps to reduce costly waste and can produce an average of 40% more time on sites. Targeted advertising has also provided 3.2x higher click-through rates, and 79% higher response rates than non-targeted digital ads. Additionally, engagement metrics are essential in tracking the progress of digital content, and IP Targeting ensures that this engagement data is accurate and not resulting from web robot interference. After all, bots aren’t going to be striding into the bank to open a new checking account or apply for a loan. So instead of casting a wide net and hoping for a catch, meet consumers where they live, work, and play, delivering ads that are relevant to their needs. 

If you’re interested in delivering targeted messaging, reaching real prospects, and improving the ROI of your digital campaigns, connect with us to see how you can utilize IP Targeting to enhance your business!

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