Artificial Intelligence

» Artificial Intelligence (AI): Machines that simulate human intelligence.
» Generative AI: AI that creates new text, images, video, audio, or code from previous input data.
» Large Language Models (LLMs): AI trained on vast data to generate human-like text (e.g., ChatGPT, Bing AI, Google)

Strategis’ newly established AI policy delineates our fundamental principles concerning this exciting and rapidly evolving technology. We are committed to ensuring that our AI tools are ethical, legal, and effective, always prioritizing our clients’ best interests.
In the past two years, AI has made marketers pause and reassess. Although AI is not a new technology (with decades of development behind it), the introduction of ChatGPT in late 2022 dramatically accelerated its progress.
At Strategis, we have been closely monitoring these advancements. We have experimented with the tools, listened to industry podcasts, read many blogs, and drawn on our collective expertise. Our team comprises diverse individuals with varied perspectives, and we have been attentive to discussions around AI, pondering our collective stance on artificial intelligence. What is our approach at Strategis? What is our position?
We can confidently share our position. We embrace technology and strive to harness its full potential for our clients. However, the human element should never be overlooked or underestimated, especially when it involves idea generation, intuition, empathy, cultural sensitivity, and creativity. We aim to balance leveraging advanced technology and maintaining the essential human touch.

Updated: August 9, 2024

AI Policy

About this Policy

This policy acts as a guide for Strategis to facilitate using AI tools ethically, legally, and effectively to protect our clients as well as ourselves and demonstrate best practices. As AI technology advances, we will update this policy regularly.

Our team members are committed to exploring emerging technologies, expanding their understanding, and using AI within the parameters of this policy. While aware of AI’s potential, we also recognize its limitations and strive to maintain factual accuracy and ethical usage.

Core Principles

  • Quality: We approach generative AI tools cautiously, using them for research and ideation. We ensure accuracy and avoid bias and misinformation.

  • Protection: We closely follow legal developments to safeguard our content and clients regarding copyright and data usage.

  • Privacy: We protect the privacy of our customers. (See our list of approved tools with reliable privacy policies). We do not submit customer data into AI tools or LLMs. In addition, we protect the privacy of our intellectual property (IP). Sticking with the approved list of tools below will help safeguard both and ensure our data and IP are not used to train publicly accessible language models. We adhere to US Consumer Protection Act (CPA) principles, ensuring transparency in our AI use.

  • Bias: AI systems learn from the data they are fed, and thus can unintentionally perpetuate biases found in their training material. Many language models have filters to reduce the risk of bias or harmful outputs, but filters aren’t enough. It is our responsibility to ensure that the content we produce is reviewed for potential bias and developed to be inclusive and accessible.

  • Security: AI systems can be targets for cyber-attacks. Please review the approved list of AI tools and discuss any additional tools you subscribe to or use on company devices with the security team.

  • Ethical Considerations: AI should not be used to mislead or manipulate clients and customers. All content created using AI should adhere to ethical considerations and be in line with our corporate values. AI content should go through a thorough review process to check for bias, inaccuracies, and other risks.

  • Impersonation: It is our company policy that employees should not use AI to impersonate any individual without their expressed permission. AI can allow you to create “in the style” of public figures; as a policy, we do not do that in our company. Designated employees may, with permission and review, use AI to mimic the writing style of a current Strategis employee for ghostwriting or editing content from that individual.

  • Training Employees on AI Usage: All employees in our company involved in creating content with AI must receive appropriate training. This should cover both the technical aspects of using AI and the ethical considerations outlined in this policy.

The Strategis AI Scene

We share our AI tool usage and discuss it openly within the team. Managers are informed about AI tool use, with relevant examples shared. Strategis will provide training guides and invest in team education on writing prompts and fact-checking.

List of AI Tools

It’s important to note that as this technology has evolved many commonly used applications have introduced and integrated AI into their platforms for common usage.

We use the following AI Tools:
  • Chat GPT – content topic brainstorms; headline ideas; blog & long-form content outline ideation; content editing
Embedded AI
  • Canva – adhering to visual style guides; grammar & spell check; content editing

  • Chat GPT – content topic brainstorms; headline ideas; blog & long-form content outline ideation; content editing

  • Grammarly – grammar & spell check; content editing

  • Google Ads – performance max ads

  • Meta Advertising – campaign optimization; content optimization

  • Constant Contact – content editing & optimization

  • Whatagraph – customized reporting templates

  • Sendible – publishing schedule optimization

  • Shutterstock – content editing

  • iStock – content editing
Content Creation
  • Using AI Text Generators: For topic research and idea generation, always fact-check and never input sensitive data. AI-generated content is never published without human editorial processing.

  • Using AI Audiovisual Tools: We may use AI tools for minor image edits, audio clean-up, and creating subtitles. Ethical practices are followed, avoiding alterations to the essence of the original content. We do not use AI for voice cloning or deepfakes.
Research, Analysis, and Ideation

We do not input sensitive or private information into AI tools. Information entered must be public domain, and confidential data is never shared.

Meetings, Training, and Webinars

Recordings and transcriptions are done only with consent. We do not routinely record training sessions or webinars, and request attendees refrain from recording.

Hiring Processes at Strategis

We value authenticity in applications and detect AI-only submissions. Recruitment involves real human interaction without AI recordings or transcriptions.

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