Craigslist Discontinues Erotic Services for Adult Services Category
It was only a matter of time that the altruistic nature of Craigslist was to meet head on with the harsh realities of the real world. If you haven’t heard yet Craigslist will no longer have an Erotic Services category to be replaced by Adult Services. There will now be a fee to post ads to the new category and Craigslist will manually review all postings. It is unfortunate that this change was precipitated by the incident in Boston where a man is alleged to have used the Erotic Services category to meet, abduct and even kill a woman. This was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and it did. One can hope Craigslist was moving in the direction of monitoring this category much more closely. As everyone knows we all have the obligation to self monitor. If we don’t then the government will and that should be a huge fear.
Check this article out and see were some government officials are trying to get involved.