Facebook—Should Clients/Potential Clients be my Friend?
Adam here:
Over the past year I have had the opportunity to speak to people about Social Media: some excited about the advantages, others pondering the disadvantages, and most apprehensive about taking the step.
One question I get every time is “Do you let clients and potential clients see all your personal info and pics on your Facebook profile?”
Without hesitation I say (scream) YES!!!!!
My email signature has the Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter icons so you can join me at any/all of these social networking sites. I am an open book. These sites/tools are meant to encourage conversation. I want people to see the “out of office” me AND the “shirt and tie” side.
Obviously clients look first for your ability and track record, but a personal connection never hurts — it only helps. Whether it’s having a favorite sports team in common or bitter rivals, liking the same TV shows or movies, having kids the same age, or growing up in the same area — this connection will improve your relationship and/or understanding of your clients’ professional needs.
Whether you’re uncertain, nervous, or excited about expanding your online presence, jump in and if you are looking for a friend to get started look me up.