FledgeWing – the LinkedIn For College Students
No ambitious young person wants to wait until graduation to start working on projects, developing ideas, and building teams. As a case in point, consider how many success stories from the dotcom and Web 2.0 eras have begun with brilliant twenty-somethings dropping out of college to pursue their passions.
Speaking directly to this concern (or phenomenon, depending on your perspective), two students at the New York University Stern School of Business and a former MySpace IT director have started FledgeWing, a new social network that aims to connect aspiring student entrepreneurs with one another as well as with mentors, investors, and industry professionals.
My personal opinion is that FledgeWing is prospering because of its unique student to mentor structure. When an individual signs up for Fledgewing, he or she must identify as either a student or mentor for one of the 175 supported universities.
On the other hand, although FledgeWing developers are on the right track, I think supporting only 175 universities may prove to limit the potential that this innovative niche in the social networking work.