
Reach Your Millennial Target Audience Where They Spend Their Time Online

Surveys reveal that most Millennials (aged 18-34) spend the majority of their time online on social media, entertainment sites & apps. If you’re a company looking to enter and target the Millennial market? Then it’s important that you know where this younger generation spends their time online.
Some of the most effective platforms, services and apps for targeting Millennial customers are outlined below.

Reports by Statista reveal that currently, Facebook has approximately 2.1 billion monthly users and still growing. Through Facebook ads, you’ll be on the road to creating brand awareness for your targeted audience, expand your social audience and drive targeted traffic to your business website. Facebook Advertising allows you to drill down and target your ads to ensure you’re reaching the best age, interest, geographic and relevant targets.

Email Newsletters
Although it’s an underutilized digital marketing strategy, email newsletters can be super effective at reaching audiences that may not be very active on platforms such as social media. Staying present in potential customers’ inboxes will help keep your brand, products and services top of mind and one click away.

Google Adwords
Throughout 2017, Google recorded an average market share of 74.54%, according to stats by Net Market Share. Considering its market share, it’s in your best interest to make use of Google to reach more of your customers. Google Adwords campaigns allow you to target specific keywords and phrases to target users during the exact right time in their search. 85% of people, including Millennials, being their purchase decision at a search engine.

IP Targeting
As the technology advances, companies are finding it difficult to reach their target audiences. Using IP Targeting, companies can map the IP addresses or target venues of target audiences to deliver the ad messages directly to their servers.

Millennials spend so much of their time on Instagram consuming and sharing moments. Brands can take advantage of the opportunity to target them by paying for advertising campaigns that can run in user’s feeds and as Instagram Stories that play while viewing friends’ stories.

Venue Payback
Companies can target their prospects based on the venues or locations they’ve recently visited within a certain duration and then send ads to their devices even after they have left the venues. Venue Playback IP Targeting allows for just this, and provides the targeting technology necessary to reach potential customers at venues they have visited without wasting impressions.

Acquired by Google in 2013, digital advertisers have realized the potential of the driving navigation app, Waze in location-based mobile advertising. Waze is especially helpful for retail and brick and mortar businesses that want to drive consumer traffic in store.

The advancing technology is changing the way businesses targeting Millennials conduct digital marketing. Companies looking to crush it online must allocate a large share of their ad spend to the sites, platforms, and apps that are frequented most by millennials. If you’re looking to reach your true target markets, contact us at 781-297-9200 to get started with a personalized marketing strategy.

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