Tracking Social Media Trends
I stumbled upon this nifty device that is very easy to use and offers a quick glance into your target audiences’ online behavior (and it’s FREE). It’s a mini tool that was recently launched by GlobalWebIndex. It is a “lite” version of the GlobalWebIndex Wave 2 (available only to GlobalWebIndex clients). It gives you a snapshot of what motivates your audience, what they do online, and how they feel about brands in social media.
Here is how it works:
You can select a country, gender, age range and an attitudinal outlook (optional) like “risk takers”, “informers”, “strivers”, “premium lovers”, “internationals”, and “thrill seekers”. According to GlobalWebIndex, “these attitudes are predefined for demonstration purposes…” For a description of each, check out the GlobalWebIndex web site.
After defining your audience, the tool generates user trends like what the consumer considers to be motivating – research for work, staying in touch with friends, research/find products to buy, sharing content, etc. It also provides at look into the consumer’s social media behavior within the last month – were they online to read a blog, visit a consumer review site, upload photos, watch a video, subscribe to an RSS feed or use webmail. This tool also establishes their perceptions of brands active in social media and the types of social marketing communications that improve their opinion of a brand.
You can access this tool by clicking here. Check it out and let us know what you think.
There are tons of online tools for tracking social media trends and statistics like, and, just to name a few. Which tool do you find most useful?