How secure is your information on social media sites?
Well, as of late Twitter and Yahoo have had their share of security issues. According to CNET News, a security hole in OAuth, the open-source protocol that acts as a “valet k
Changes to LinkedIn cause some controversy.
Ah, the uproar of social media – even the slightest change to a network will cause huge commotion! We all remember Facebook’s attempt to change its privacy rules. Facebook
Picking out a laptop.
Getting a laptop is a huge process these days, being that there are a gazillion models & brands. Personally, I have been using Toshibas & Sony VAIO laptops for last 10 y
Facebook Update / Makeover
In order to keep up with new technologies and competition you must always improve. This time it was Facebook had to do some upgrading. This is a brilliant move on their part, sin