The age of HD video is here.
Just like the next guy I am infatuated with new technologies. The new fad of the portable HD camera like Kodak Zi8 or a FlipCam is just unbelievable. Video cameras are no longer used just for documenting family events anymore.
If you go to YouTube these days, you will find a ton of these videos. People are shooting everything from video diaries to podcasts. Companies use it to sell products or services. Employees use them to show-off their working environments. They are easy to use and you can upload videos within minutes to any social networking site. As with any new technology, there are bigger and better models to get such as Canon 5D MK II. Why spend $4,000 when you can achieve similar, if not, the same results with a $200 FlipCam camera.
In a way, this is simply awesome.