The Time is Now.
One of the top ten trends for 2010 is real-time web and it is expected to get even bigger and more essential to our online experience. It is being used in social networking, search, and news sites. It is the exploding number of live social activities online, from tweets to status updates on Facebook to the sharing of news, Web links, and videos.
New developments have come together to make the web more of a real-time experience. Google introduced its “Latest Results Box” which brings live updates from Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and more into your search results. This offers searching for and finding information online as it is produced. In addition, there are a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full web browsers that enable instant transmission of messages and data.
So what’s so great about it? With real-time web you can learn the latest trends and the most talked about topics. It is great for learning about what people are thinking and saying about any given topic. It offers lowered barriers to content creation and immediate feedback. It is essential for brands to stay tuned in on these new “live feeds” in order to stay ahead of their competitors. Many brands are already taking full advantage of monitoring what is being said about them, and proactively answering their customers. There is a great benefit to be gained from the real-time web and it can have a positive impact on your business.