
Don’t Miss the Boat! 5 Social Sales Tips that Will Explode Your Growth


Missed opportunities are considered one of the worst types of failure. Experienced CMOS keep their eye on the prize and quickly embrace new ways of expanding business.

Embarking on a well-planned inbound marketing strategy is a fantastic way to find leads and drive them through your sales funnel. If you want to squeeze all the advantage out of inbound marketing, you also need to understand social sales.

By participating in social media, you will create more sales opportunities with your inbound marketing plan. Here are three good reasons why it works:

It’s a non threatening approach. Hammer

ing leads with your message and phone calls is the old way of selling. Inbound marketing coupled with social sales still conveys your message to your potential clients through content. Blogs, eBooks, and other forms of content that solves your leads pain or makes their life easier draws them to you, instead of avoiding your phone calls.

It leverages your content. Sure, you may write the best blog with the most informative information ever, but it won’t accomplish anything if nobody sees it. With social sales, your content is shared, digested, and shared again. It’s like tracking those $1 bills to see how many places they have been. Your content can reach that far, too!

It engages as an industry expert. Social sales offers more than one way of connecting with potential buyers. From company profiles that display company culture and history to posts and shares, social media is a vehicle that promotes engagement with your audience. Create pieces of content that your buyers find relevant, and use it to set you and your company apart as the knowledgeable industry expert.

Social selling, when planned and managed strategically, is a priceless tool that accentuates the success of your inbound marketing tactics. Employing both will bring you a larger audience and more qualified leads, faster than using inbound on its own.

Don’t miss the boat! Start building those social media connections with your valuable content today!

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