
Five Ways to Use Social Selling Amplify Bank Lead Generation Efforts


Financial institutions deal with stiff competition, both locally and through online channels. It’s critical for savvy banking decision makers to forge into new avenues of connecting with and attracting new clients, while simultaneously retaining their current customer base.

These goals take more than simple fliers sitting in the lobby or a few local commercials. We are talking about a strategic social selling strategy. If your institution wants to experience greater bank lead generation, utilize these five social selling tips to amplify efforts and create powerfully profitable results.

#1: Set measurable goals and plans of action up front.

Before the first move is made, decision makers must sit down and map out bank lead generation plans. The type of content, the distribution channels, and the key performance indicators of success need to be laid out. This is also the time to make investments in digital marketing agency consultations, marketing automation, and other tools to help streamline the process.

#2: Develop a keen understanding of your customer.

Banks that fail to understand their target audience waste time and productivity. Take an in-depth look into current long-term customers, their needs and pain points, and the products that help address those issues. Center your online lead generation tactics around a similar set of consumers.

Once goals are set and targets are pinpointed, banks must….


#3: …create consistent content targeting your buyer.

For a tactical bank lead generation initiative to succeed, it takes more than a blog posting here and there. Set a series of keywords as your base, and write engaging, informative content around those topics. Be sure to always keep your buyer in mind with the type of language and approach of the content.

#4: Leverage social media as a distribution powerhouse.

Throughout the process, it’s critical for banks to nurture and expand their social media reach. By increasing their audience, the content is more widely distributed and shared, which builds brand awareness and promotes the bank’s products and services exponentially. It’s a smart move to use multiple social media channels to accomplish this goal. Again, the buyer’s personality needs to be the deciding factor.

#5: Develop a framework for snagging interested parties.

Delightful, helpful stories are not the whole piece of the puzzle. Online lead generation requires the answer to the question “What’s next?” Determine where readers should move after they read your content, and design calls-to-action to lead them toward the desired direction. The goal is to capture their name and email so the bank can begin marketing to them as a qualified lead. Calls-to-action are the doorways for that to happen.

Bank lead generation only works if the marketing team puts time and thought into planning, building, and executing a cohesive plan of action. The effort brings about larger numbers of qualified leads and a greater amount of new customers than traditional marketing ideas. Take the steps toward building your social selling platforms, and reap the exciting rewards!

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