
Get Noticed: 3 Strategic Methods to Optimize your Social Media Engagement

Over the past decade, social media has become an increasingly integral tool in the world of digital marketing. Having a social media presence has become borderline pivotal in the success of businesses, as a strong online presence can garner the attention of an audience that otherwise would be nearly impossible to reach through traditional marketing, eventually helping boost business.  A number of big corporations have acknowledged the power of social media, and have been able to effectively utilize it in their favor. While other, less tech-savvy businesses might struggle to figure out how exactly to successfully use social media platforms. In order to make the most of your social media, you must define a strategic model for your posts. Simply having an existing Instagram account with a few followers that you might post every other week just won’t get you the results you desire; a plan must be set in place in order to optimize your digital presence. Below are three steps you can incorporate into your social media strategy to elevate your social media presence:

1. Focus on a Target Audience

As with any marketing or sales strategy, there must be a target audience in mind. In order to increase your digital reach, and to capture the attention of your intended audience, you must first define that targeted group, and then tailor your content to align with the interest of that group. Posting random content that isn’t directly useful or interesting to your intended market will hinder the growth of your social media accounts, and thus make it more difficult to expand your digital reach. To get your posts noticed, research keywords and topics commonly searched and studied by your targeted audience, and incorporate them into your content through the use of hashtags. 

2. Post Consistently

Lack of consistency with your content can lead to a decrease in your following, or an overall lack of traffic to your online accounts. Posting a few times a month just doesn’t cut it- online users will be less likely to keep following your pages, and won’t be as interested in seeing your future posts. However, posting consistently has the potential to maintain interest in your followers, and even help you reach a wider audience. The more your posts come up on the timelines of online users, the more of an impression can be left on those who start seeing your posts regularly and lead them to constantly look forward to your next posts. To help you structure your posts, try setting up a schedule of when you’d like to post onto your social media accounts, and stick to it. There are a variety of different online tools and applications you can utilize that can help you establish a schedule, making posting less overwhelming than if you were to try to strategically post daily.

3. Assess the Analytics

In order to determine the effectiveness of your social media strategy, you must consider the negative and positive trends and patterns of post’s activity. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all have analytic features available for their users to see the type of and level of engagement each of their posts receive. By taking advantage of these features, you can assess what types of posts generate higher traffic and engagement, and which posts tend to get the opposite. For instance, you might notice that whenever you post video content there is a higher level of engagement than when you simply post a word-heavy status or tweet. You might then consider incorporating more video content onto your page, and try to maintain some sort of brevity with your captions.

Still stuck on how to effectively optimize and utilize social media to your company’s advantage? Let the Strategis team take control of all of your social media needs; we’ll help strengthen your social media presence and elevate your social media strategy! Connect with us today!

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