
How to Use Credit Union Website Design to Increase Your ROI

Experts say that when you meet someone for the first time, you have about seven seconds to make a good impression. Online, you get even less time, with nearly a fifth of page views lasting less than four seconds.

These days, your website often serves as potential customers’ first impression of your credit union. With 82% of customers turning to search engines to find the information, products and services they need, your site needs to stand out among the competition. Below are strategies to incorporate into your credit union website design to cater to the end user and therefore potentially increase your website’s ROI.


Consider your customer

Credit union websites aren’t always known their user-friendly interfaces. In fact, some credit union website design is downright confusing and overwhelming for consumers to use. A poor experience on your website can create a costly disconnect between your credit union and your current and potential customers.

Make use of analytics and user testing

Customers and prospective customers visit your website for a reason, whether it’s to get general information about your company, to contact you or to view a statement. Your site should make it easy for users to accomplish their purpose for visiting. Conducting user testing for key demographics can help you evaluate how easy it is for visitors to use your site. Tests should be carefully constructed for a variety of usage scenarios and to account for multiple key demographics.

Tools like Google Analytics and other analysis software can help you effectively design — or redesign — your site with your user in mind. On a weekly basis, review keywords, referring websites, most and least visited pages, entry and exit pages, and other vital information. Staying on top of your analytics helps you continually make your site more appealing to customers.

Maximize your website ROI

To get the most from your investment in your credit union website design and overall digital marketing efforts, keep your user in mind. With all digital marketing efforts leading to your website, you want to ensure that you’re making the best impression. By incorporating analytics software and usability testing, you engage new customers, satisfy your end users and continue to build brand loyalty.

If you’re looking to design or redesign your credit union website, sign up for our FREE financial website audit below that will identify areas of opportunity and improvement as well as provide a competitor analysis.

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