
Revitalize Your Mortgage Lead Generation with Inbound Marketing

If you’re a banking professional or work as a mortgage lending officer, you know that consistently generating qualified mortgage leads and closing them is not the easiest task. In a crowded and competitive market, it is hard to reach consumers and make a connection. Inbound marketing is a strategy that pulls leads in toward your brand by providing them relevant information about things they are searching for.

Below are some strategies and explanations on how inbound marketing can pump up your mortgage lead generation and allow you to close more loans.


#1: It shows your expertise first. Sharing important home buyer education in blogs, articles, eBooks, and more shows you are a trusted advisor that will help guide them through the process. Inbound marketing reaches a prospect and imparts knowledge about you before they make a purchase decision. Relevant content based around keywords people are using to search for information about mortgages makes your brand trustworthy in the eyes of the consumer.

#2: It leads rather than pushes. Instead of the old school cold calling method of gaining customers, inbound mortgage lead generation gently and effectively leads the prospect through the buying process and to your bank. It’s the bread crumb approach, offering a less stressful and more confident buying experience. This leads to happy customers, and referrals!

#3: It targets buyers effectively. Mortgage lead generation is an open microphone to your customers, and few of your competitors are taking advantage. Content pinpointed to address your clients’ pain points can be found via search engines by specific readers that could become customers. Explaining credit scores, mortgage options, how rates move, and other complex issues leads your buyer away from the masses straight to you.

Inbound lead generation uniquely contributes to landing new customers and producing more revenue. Opportunities to connect with prospects by sharing content ranges from the most basic mortgage information to the “nitty gritty” of mortgage rates, appraisals, and home inspections. Interesting content should include calls-to-action along with forms to capture the reader’s information. These conspire to turn a stranger into a hot prospect faster than other prospecting efforts.

Remember this. One of the best tips for maximizing mortgage lead generation strategies is to analyze the results. Practically no other form of customer outreach provides such track-able, measurable ROI. By setting up the inbound process, you can track which content works, how well it works, and specifically measure how many customers and dollars the campaign brought in.

For more information about inbound marketing and how to track and prove the ROI on your lead generation efforts, download our eBook now!

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